October 19, 2018 – 6:30 PM – NYPD 19th Precinct New York – Hosted by Peoples Power Assemblies
Some light reading from the snowflakes on the left:“On Friday, October 12th, our city was shocked to see footage of “anti-racist” protesters viciously attacked by a “fascist” self-proclaimed gang called the Proud Boys … after a rally hosted by gang leader Gavin McInnes at the Metropolitan Republican Club.”
“Scores of NYPD Strategic Response Group (SRG),Technical Assistance Response Unit (TARU) and police from the 19th precinct were present, but only to monitor and repress anti-racist groups while continuing to escort and protect the fascist gang members.
Despite witnessing repeated acts of violence against protesters, the NYPD stood by, intervening to repress or taunt protesters by saying things like, “You should be lucky we’re not letting them beat your a**es.”
[End of anti-racist left weeping and rending of garments]
Flickr slide show (screen shots) of both sides:
Transcribed excerpts of three speakers from the “No Nazis NYPD” presser:
“Sophia” (transcribed excerpts) “Despite repeated attacks … the NYPD stood by… saying you should feel lucky we’re not letting them beat your ass … In our white supremacist system, poor people, people of color, immigrants, women and LGBTQ are fair game, therefore the collusion between the Proud Boys and the police on Friday comes as no surprise to the activists in New York.
On October 13, Gavin McInnis stated on his broadcast that he has a lot of support in the NYPD. We know this to be true.
[…]We will continue our struggle to protect New York City from racism, sexism, homophobia and all other forms of oppression. [CROWD: That’s right and CHEERS]”
“Popi” (transcribed excerpts): “To the press assembled here today, thank you for joining us. Thank you for helping our message reach a broader audience. The press has played an essential role thus far exposing the vicious attacks committed by fascists last Friday night. […] In the aftermath of these attacks … questions … were repeatedly asked, “Why didn’t the NYPD intervene?” The real question is,”Why would anyone expect them to.”
This is a call to action for all the people who have forsaken our struggle. We need you to join us out on the streets. The police will not keep us safe . WE keep us safe. [CROWD: We keep us safe.]
Show up with us on the streets. When there’s a call to action, we need as many people here as possible. Because, let me tell you, if one out of every one-hundred people who tweeted about this stuff, showed up last Friday, they wouldn’t’ve had the guts to go in to that building, let alone walk out. Cops or no. Because the people have the power.
So fight back! Not just against them, but against these guys as well (points to NYPD). [CROWD– cheering/jeering.] Chants now, “Who keeps us safe. We keep us safe, Who keeps us safe. We keep us safe. Who keeps us safe. We keep us safe. Who Keeps. Us. Safe!“
“Louis” of Antifa (transcribed excerpts):
“Hi, my name is Louis. I’m here on behalf of … ANTIFA …. On October 12th … my reason for being there that night was to stand against …. the anti-Semitic …. misogynist, homophobic ….. bigots. [Physically and Verbally] while celebrating and reenacting the murder of [ ….] a Socialist who was murdered on live television in Japan by fascists on Oct. 12, 1960 during a televised political debate.
[“Just prior to the fight, the Proud Boys hosted an event at the Republican club to “discuss historical context and offer perspective on the environment that surrounded Otoya Yamaguchi,” an extremist right-wing Japanese activist who murdered a politician with whom he disagreed using a sword, then killed himself, “in 1960’s Japan.”[Newsweek]
That night … right wing extremists and nazi sympathizers and skin-heads, all in matching uniforms … were escorted and protected by the NYPD, by the strategic response group at the Metropolitan Republican Club and by the 19th precinct. The following day we saw the right wing media defend political violence.
I am not surprised that the NYPD did not bring anybody to justice that night. I am not surprised that we have to take matters in to our own hands. The NYPD and SRG, the TARU and 19th Precinct, you are not on the right side of history.
We will not be oppressed by the Republicans; we will not be oppressed by Democrats, by the NYPD, by the Task Forces; neither by neo-Nazis, Nazi sympathizers or the Proud Boys. We will organize. We will always fight back at injustice. We are demanding the NYPD be held accountable for defending white supremacy that evening.” (CHEERS)
Barely Informed with Elad‘s video has even more, “Antifa doesn’t attack anyone. It’s self defense.”
** [July 2018] Antifa ATTACKED Patriot Michelle. She was dragged backwards off a park bench when they grabbed her “Trump in 2020” flag. The police chased the ANTIFA scum down, but I don’t thing much came of his arrest.
** Same protest, the police stood aside while the ANTIFA blocked the patriots and this reporter, denying our rights to protest and report. So much for the police not protecting the “anti-racist/antifas.”
VIDEOS, our side. Blue Lives Matter, where everyone speaks clearly (how refreshing)
Jim McD and “Barely Informed with Elad”
Karen Braun excerpts, in defense of the NYPD
++ VIDEO NY 1 +++
Links to reports on the “anti-fascist” vandalism that began it all:
“The self-identified “Western Chauvinists” had apparently descended on the Upper East Side during an anti-McInnes protest outside the Metropolitan Club. Earlier in the day, vandals painted anarchist symbols on the doors of the clubhouse, smashed two windows, and left a note condemning the conservative group for inviting “a hipster-fascist clown to dance for them.” While McInnes spoke at the event on Friday night, a crowd of at least 50 protesters gathered, chanting “Kill more Nazis. [Gothamist]
[Buzz Feed] “Before Friday’s event, vandals broke the club’s windows and graffitied the anarchist symbol. The club also received threatening phone calls voicing displeasure with McInnes.” [SO, who did the NYPD arrest?]
“Police Have Made Their Second Arrest Of Members Of The Far-Right Men’s Group That Beat Up Protesters In New York”
Rich Lowry [NY Post] “McInnis (said) …. “My guys are left to fight. And here’s the crucial part: We do. And we beat the crap out of them.” […] He proceeded to mock the fighting prowess of Antifa: “They’re easy prey”; “it feels sexist to beat them up, ’cause when you punch them it feels like a girl”; “it’s only fun to beat up the first three.”
Latest on the arrests from NY POST
“Members of the far-right Proud Boys — which has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center — got into a fracas with leftist protesters after the group’s founder, Gavin McInnes, delivered a speech at the usually staid club (and AFTER Antifa had vandalized the club)
[Re the SPLC arbitrary designations – Why is ANTIFA not a hate group? SPLC says: “…. groups that engage in anti-fascist violence (Antifa)… differ from hate groups in that they are not typically organized around bigotry against people….”]
(John) Kinsman, one of five Proud Boys arrested so far, was previously described by Assistant DA Joshua Steinglass as the “single most vicious of all the attackers” that night. According to prosecutors, Kinsman body slammed, repeatedly punched and stomped on an Antifa member all while a cigarette dangled from his mouth. (He) faces assault, attempted gang assault and riot raps.
Attorney Ronald Hart said last week in court that “The Proud Boys did not instigate this fight” and that Kinsman had been overcharged because of the surrounding publicity. In addition to Kinsman, Irvin Antillon, 41, Douglas Lennan, 40, Maxwell Hare, 26, and Geoffrey Young, 38, have been charged in connection to the beat down.”
[NO ANTIFA was arrested]
[Where indicated Pictures and Videos property of Pamela Hall]
The post Vids and Pics: “No Nazi NYC” Press Conference and Rally appeared first on Western Free Press.