Whistles. LOTS of Whistles filled the air while the over-amplified “al-Quds Day” protest attempted to keep the focus on their LIES.
Though smaller in numbers, the New JDL counter-protest in support of Israel successfully mocked, derided and obscured the lies and hate spewed by the Marxists dominating the microphone.
The New JDL troops challenged the LIES and hate!
“On June 8th, Islamists will march from Times Square to the Israeli Consulate, calling for intifada. They will carry coffins calling terrorists victims of murder by the hands of the IDF. Pure lies and anti-Semitism.
We cannot let anti-Semitism, in any form, go unanswered. Am Yisrael Chai!”
Slide Show – more JDL pictures:
Slide Show of more anti-Israel Protest pictures:
Later I found more info on the Gazan terrorists who sent helium balloons with burning charcoal over the border of Israel. MURDER is what the “Palis’ seem to do best.
[Source for video at @divnews1: Facebook]
A call to action from the NEW JDL-NY to stand up for Israel, to stand against anti-Semitism, suggested they bring Israeli flags, signs supporting the IDF, signs condemning the daily terrorist attacks against Israel and WHISTLES to drown out the anti-Zionist lies.
Yep, whistles. Loads of whistles. The JDL made a powerful impression on the “Palis” and Marxists. Causing the female “Pali” trying to lead some chants against the whistles to scream, ” I can’t hear you,” (small pleasures) as the JDL taunted them with “Traitors, Traitors”
“We partied on Sunday (at the annual Israel Day Parade) now it’s time to defend. Am Y’israel Chai!”
VIDEO of Marxist, anti-Zionist SPEAKERS on The International Day of al-Quds when Muslim demonstrators rallied against Israel; supported, nurtured and incited by the usual Marxist insurgents.
Bill Doares,Workers World Party.“Built on lies, blood and hate, Israel is a racist State”. We are here…because once again, “Palestinians: are being shot down in cold blood, shot down down for trying to exercise the most basic human rights in the world: the RIGHT to Go Home, the right to return to their own land; shot down by the hate-filled white supremacist soldiers in Israel. These hate-filled murderers are paid by OUR tax dollars.(1:26 …) the endless flow of arms , from M-16 rifles to F-16 Jag jet-fighters (…) which are being supplied-for free-to the racist murderous enemy called Israel. (2:14) so the struggle of the “Palestinian” people to return home is part of the struggle of the oppressed people around the world for justice. Israel is an apartheid State. It is part of global system of apartheid that keeps the world divided with the rich and poor (…) and the struggle of the people of “Palestine” is the heart of the struggle for freedom and justice around the world, which is why anybody, oppressed people and working class people every where need to stand with “Palestine”. Because, an end to Israel means an END to the U.S. military industrial complex and the Warfare State that lives off our backs and steals from our communities. “Palestine” will be free; They can kill, they can lie, “Palestine” will never die. (3:12 the New JDL responds with LIARS, Liars, Liars.) Israel will soon go the way of the Third Reich and the Confederate States of America and Rhodesia and all the other racist enemies thrown in the dust-bin of history. Long Live ‘Palestine’ .”
From Samidoun.net: “On International Day of Quds, people of conscience gather to express solidarity with all the oppressed human beings of the world and particularly the innocent civilians of Palestine who are victimized by the oppressive and racist Zionist regime.”
Black speaker: “…black people know coffins. We know Emmett Till, we know Tamira Rice, we know Eric Garner, we know Nat Turner, we know Martin Luther King, we know Malcolm X. So, we’re very familiar with coffins ’cause coffins are part of our existence in… the Western Hemisphere.(…) that’s why it is important that the black people passing by know that we support the struggle of ‘Palestine”, because the struggle of “Palestine” is a struggle against institutional racism … every blow against institutional racism is a blow for our freedom HERE as well. Free Free “Palestine”. (00:59 a short moment with the New JDL) – he continues- “... so bear in mind, when people talk about the right to vote, and gutting the Voting Rights Act, and all those Civil Rights Laws that came out of our struggle to be free AND are being TAKEN BACK, think upon that when you think about U.S. citizenship. “Palestine” MUST be FREE.” [1:55]
Algerian female speaker (thick accent) 2:11 “Tell me now, are we terrorists? [crowd NO] Are we gonna stop marchin’? Are we gonna stop protestin’? (…) we say that U.S. imperialists are the number 1 terrorists. … we will continue to fighting against political oppression, whether (by) NYPD, la Migra, ICE,which separates children from their families, FBI (or DHS). We won’t stop protesting and we call on you to join us. (She ends with a popular Algerian chant.)
Samidoun continues: “We invite all peace loving people to voice their opposition to the unjust and illegal occupation of the great Al-Aqsa Mosque and the usurpation of the Holy Land by the Zionist regime. In addition, we will also protest the current Saudi aggression in Yemen.”
Joe Catron (activist/reporter):”… 1918, at the time, Great Britain and the world’s other (?) imperialist powers, in collusion with the Zionist movement, were already determined to plant their own colonial outpost in the ancient Land of Palestine. Over the ensuing decades it became clear that nothing less than wiping Palestine off the map (…) Through the strength of its people and the ferocity of its struggle, Palestine survived. In the face of imperialism and occupation, followed by (?) colonialism, ethnic cleansing and fragmentation, their popular mobilizations, strikes, guerilla warfares, bombings, hijackings shattered the hopes of the imperialist Zionists ….. expulsions of the “Palestinian National movement”…. the unbelievable fact that it’s still here – fighting- despite the ferocity of its enemies and the betrayal of its allies. (…) despite oppression, exclusion, marginalization and siege the masses of our people continue to fight for the return to their land …to their homes … from which they were forcibly expelled. (… referring to the deal of the century at Camp David… ) The Great March of Return is the “Palestinians” unmistakable response. The children of the revolutionary classes, workers and farmers, have made perfectly clear that they will never allow their holy sites, their land, their prisoners, their right of return to be bargained or sold.”
Endorsing anti-Zionist Organizations
– International Action Center-
– Workers World Party
– Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
– Neturei Karta
– Jafria Association of North America
– Muslims United for Justice
Larry Holmes, International Action Center. “Comrades. Don’t pay too much attention to those silly whistles (referring to New JDL) People all over the world, of different races, different religions and different nationalities … support the struggle of the “Palestinian” people. The people who want to support them (refers again to New JDL) are racists and Zionists. They’re colonialists. They’re occupiers and imperialists. And the way the world is going, they’re days. are. numbered! (cheers) We must do more, Comrades. Especially here in what we used to call the Belly of the Beast. Israel could not exist, very long, without U.S. economic and military support. Everybody knows that. Everybody knows that the hundreds of billions of dollars in economic and military aide that the Zionists get all the time…. But, let’s make it more personal. That Israeli sniper that is shooting the borders … it is 99% that he shot … with an M16. That is an assault rifle made for the United States Army, right here. And it is the most common weapon carried by the Israeli(s)… Those helicopters. Those gun-ship helicopters that destroy people, kill children, tear homes and hospitals apart : Made in the U.S.A. (most of them, anyway). So, I just wanta make a suggestion, before I leave. (Holmes now mentions the North Korea meeting, that hadn’t happened yet)
“You know our Comrade, Kim Jong-un the head of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea … sometimes referred to as North Korea. You all know who I’m talkin’ about, right? He’s got a meeting with Donald Trump, in a couple of days. And it was a struggle of the Korean people that forced that meeting. Don’t be fooled. And we know that Comrade Kim Jong-un, he has a lot of business, along with defending his people at that meeting. But if he can, just for a minute … if it’s possible…divert from the agenda and say,”Trump. President Trump. (whatever) Racist Trump. I have a message from the “Palestinian” people, and the people of the world: Stop Giving Israel weapons to murder our people.” (cheers) Free Free ‘Palestine’ “
While the Marxists and the Muslims continue to march hand in hand against Israel and Jews, and AMERICA, the media accepts, in lock-step, their outrageous lies as FACT. What a sad world we live in.
[Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]
The post International Day of “al-Quds” – NYC 2018 appeared first on Western Free Press.